Pashto کاظم خان شېدا او تخيلاتي شاعري

Kazim Khan Shaida and Imiginative Poetry


  • Hassan Zaib Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, KPK, Pakistan
  • Dr. Asal Marjan (Muhib Wazir) Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, KPK


Poet founds the charateristics of things in the Universe through imagination and extract new meanings out of them. Imagination is a poetic power and God gifted quality which can be improved and polished through knowledge and experience. Poetry is incomplete without imigination. Sometimes, the poet uses his imagination to speak in such a way that an ordinary reader cannot understand its literary meaning. Poet give new shape to the concepts in his mind and context though imaginative power. Kazim Khan Shaida, a well-known classic Pashto poet is famous for intricacy and complexity in his poetry. This study have done by applying closed reading method and found that Shaida's intricacy posits in his stronger imaginative power; and for this reason, understanding his poetry and extracting plausible meaning out it is not easy for an ordinary reader. His literay work is one of the best example of skilled use of imagination in poetry.

Author Biographies

Hassan Zaib, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, KPK, Pakistan

M.phil Scholer

Dr. Asal Marjan (Muhib Wazir), Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, KPK

Assistant Professor




How to Cite

Hassan Zaib, & Dr. Asal Marjan (Muhib Wazir). (2024). Pashto کاظم خان شېدا او تخيلاتي شاعري: Kazim Khan Shaida and Imiginative Poetry. ARACHOSIA, 3(6), 40–50. Retrieved from


