Pashto د بېټني قبيلې مېلمستيا او د ننواتې دودونه

The Bittani Tribe's Hospitality and "Nanawati" norms


  • Akhtar Zaman University of Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
  • Dr. Danish Bettani University of Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan


Keywords: Bettani, Custom,Nanawaty,Hujra,melma.


The Bittanni nation's customs and traditions are known as "Baitanzo". The way other nations of the world have their own values and traditions, in the same manner,the Bittanni tribe owns certain customs and traditions which are referred to as Baitanzo. Most of the customs of the Bittanni tribe coincides with those of other pukhtoons and also corresponds to islamic values. Though the pukhtoons are an embodiment of islam as taking a look at the history reveals the fact that from the time of Daud(A.S) upto our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), the Pukhtoons have been the followers of Allah's oneness and they have always responded to the Prophet's call. For this reason, their traditions fall under the light of islamic jurisprudence. As customs and traditions are continued in other pukhtoons from classical times, similarly "Baitanzo" is pursued. From the "Qassi" mountain upto Jandola this "Baitanzo" prevails and the Bittannis strictly practice it.

Author Biographies

Akhtar Zaman, University of Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan

Ph.D Scholar, Pashto Academy

Dr. Danish Bettani, University of Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan

Assistant Professor




How to Cite

Akhtar Zaman, & Dr. Danish Bettani. (2024). Pashto د بېټني قبيلې مېلمستيا او د ننواتې دودونه: The Bittani Tribe’s Hospitality and "Nanawati" norms. ARACHOSIA, 3(6), 51–60. Retrieved from


